Monday, June 28, 2010

Codes And Conventions Of Filming And Editing Interviews

  • Questions never shown - Edited out
  • Mid shot of interviewees
  • Mise-en-scene of background - relevant to topic
  • Cuts to archive footage + Photographs
  • Interviewees sat to one side of the screen - positionng. If more than one interviewee it alternates
  • Cuts between different interviewees talking about same subject
  • Presenter - Direct Address
  • Interview people in street
  • Interviewees filmed in medium shot, medium close up or close up
  • Name and relevance to topic for each interviewee - graphics
  • Positioning of interviewer is important. If the interviewee is on the right of the frame then the interviewer is on the left of the camera - sit as close to the camera as possible
  • Framing follows rule of thirds - eyeline of interviewee roughly a third of the way down the screen
  • Interviews are never filmed with a light source behind the interviewee
  • Cutaways - illustrate what they're talking about - either archive, suggested

In class we watched existing examples of documentarys and listed the conventions that we saw to be featured in the filming and editing of interviews.

Interviewees all sat down

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